Friday, 1 April 2011


Well it's Friday night here and the whole town has come alive. People crowding into the Plaza 9 de Julio. Big celebrations tomorrow about the Malvinas (the Falklands). Maureen and I can't work it because we thought that they had lost that war. Oh well, just party on.

Yesterday was a big day. We went to Cafayate. I won't tell you much, just look at the pictures.That says it all.

Also did some wine tasting in a couple of boutique wineries. Tasted llama salami and a lovely goat cheese. The wines were actually really good, aged in real wooden vats.

Oh and I bought a packet of coca leaves and have been told how to suck them. Apparently you don't chew them because that rots your teeth. I'm keeping it for tomorrow because we're going to Humhuaca which is about 3000 metres above seal level and coca is supposed to help you with altitude sickness.

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